Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Lifestyle 180 - Leanness Lifestyle University

Product Name: Lifestyle 180 - Leanness Lifestyle University


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Lifestyle 180 - Leanness Lifestyle University is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Leanness Lifestyle University

   For all the pain and failures of the past, for all the broken promises to yourself, there’s a fire within you, a part of you that won’t give up, that will never be at peace until you are in control of your health, your energy and your body.

Hi, my name is David Greenwalt. I’m the author of “The Leanness Lifestyle”, the founder of Leanness Lifestyle University and a Certified Wellness Coach. Never before has there been a weight-loss program as powerful as Lifestyle 180 and you can get outstanding results no matter how out of shape you may be. If you’re committed to losing the excess fat and you have a coachable spirit you can do it. Thousands since 1999 have blazed the trail in front of you and are living proof.

Since 1999 when I wrote The Leanness Lifestyle and created the first online weight-loss education course, I have helped thousands of men and women from every walk of life to sculpt their bodies, heal their minds, and permanently lose the weight.

You’re heavier than you want to be. It’s painful to think about. 25, 50, 100 pounds heavier than you ever imagined.

The battle scars may be clear– joint issues, slow-to-heal injuries, fatigue, diabetes, menopause, high blood pressure or cholesterol. You really do have less muscle and a slower metabolism than when you were a teenager.

You thought by now you’d have more free time. But most days the demands are as great as ever. It feels overwhelming.

Shouldn’t you just be able to pick yourself up by your boostraps and do this alone?

I know what to do
I just need to do it.

Isn’t that what you’ve told yourself over and over? Yet here you are, still too heavy and not doing it, whatever IT is.

Disheartened, beaten down, tired, disgusted, frustrated. These words only scratch the surface for what it feels like. Should you even try again? What if you fail? It’s unbearable to think about wasting money, maybe or maybe not losing weight, again, only to regain it, again.

You work with me and let me help you lose the weight one more time for the last time.

Today I’m 52 and I’ve been lean for 18 years, but I’ve been heavy and I know what it feels like to look in the mirror in disgust. Being middle aged I know the task of getting and staying lean is more difficult. If you’re in my age range? Hey, I get it. A slower metabolism combined with the ravages of time, loss, injuries or disease are not to be ridiculed, scoffed at or minimized.

But you know what else is true now that we’re no longer teenagers? You’ve got wisdom, humility, and life experiences. You’ve tried the quick-fix gimmicks, gadgets, and pills. You’re ready and able to learn what really works and to close the 2% gap between where you are, and where you want to be.

You see, you’re not as far away from winning this as you might think. Regardless of whether you are 25 or 150 pounds from where you want to be, you are only missing a critical 2%. But this 2% is the difference between losing all the weight you want, living the life you were destined to live, and falling short, over and over and over. And you will continue to be 2 yards short, 2% away from your ultimate body, health, energy and life, until you close that gap.

Lifestyle 180 will provide the missing pieces and help you close the 2% gap and you’ll win your weight loss battle once and for all. With my TEAM approach and the help of my eight assistant coaches I will teach you, lead you and walk beside you as the expert and Coach, for 18 solid weeks.

T-E-A-M is woven into the fabric of Lifestyle 180 and it’s responsible for our program positively impacting the lives of so many people for so many years.

“T.” Time- the gift you’ve given others that you MUST give yourself.

“E.” Education to sort out all the nutrition, exercise and emotional hacks.

“A.” Accountability to help you honor your promises.

“M.” Mentoring and support from me, graduate assistants and fellow students.

It’s that simple-Time, Education, Accountability, and Mentoring – your TEAM. So vital to losing weight and keeping it off. Applying my “TEAM” formula is the difference between losing fat permanently and staying in the same vicious cycle.

T – So what about that pesky “T” of the all-important TEAM? A real show stopper, something that has likely been holding you back from achieving your ultimate body and life is you’ve been putting everyBODY and everyTHING first before yourself.

When you’re busy making sure your family is happy and healthy, you’re running kids to and from soccer practice, and you’ve been climbing the ladder of success at work, well, you’ve most likely put yourself and your health on the back burner. While it’s admirable, it’s a key factor in what’s prevented you from the body and the life you so badly want and deserve.

As flight attendants tell us, you’ve got to put your own oxygen mask on first before best serving others.

Will you need to devote some time for yourself? Yes, but the good news is I’ve had 19 years to refine the course. And I have created every part of it for the DVR world we all love and need. You’ll also SAVE TIME. You won’t have to spend hours at the gym. You’ll stop wasting time looking for the next diet. You’ll get any question answered quickly from a trusted source.

E – You will receive the education you need, the nutrition, exercise and life hacks, to ensure you have every tool to navigate the all-too confusing food, exercise and emotional elements of our everyday living.

A – Your Graduate Assistants, me, and the online campus system will help keep you accountable and honoring promises to yourself.

M – Smart people make mistakes but don’t repeat them. But really smart people learn from others’ mistakes. Your health and body transformation goals are as much about having the right road map, mentoring and coaching as they are the effort you put into them. Working hard with the wrong program or going it alone is what most people who fail do.

I, your personal Graduate Assistant and fellow students will all be available to mentor you so you don’t have to make the mistakes others have made and so you’re never alone.

Lifestyle 180 gives you the formula–the Time, Education, Accountability, and Mentoring support you need to finally drop the pounds and experience a permanent transformation.

There’s no reason to go it alone. Doing so is not as effective. With your real TEAM in place you’ll be successful.

So how does Lifestyle 180 work? To be honest, you only need two things to be successful with the course; full-on commitment to lose the excess weight and a coachable spirit. If you’re ready to do this? And you are willing to take reasonable, healthy, direction from an expert? Then you will succeed and this’ll be the last time you lose this weight. I’ve developed every part of Lifestyle 180 so the busy student can be successful and still have a life off line.

It’s true. The real-life graduates you see on this page and in the video below are just a few of the thousands of students who have been successful with my help and the Lifestyle 180 program. Will you lose 10% of your today weight in just six weeks? Yes, if you have it to lose and you follow my guidance. Yes. You will. You really will.

As a student of Lifestyle 180 I’ll teach you, step by step, exactly how to do that. And if you’re limited in mobility or have special dietary needs don’t worry about it. My program meets you where you are. If necessary, I can get you lean sitting on the couch.

Let’s be real. Weight loss can be hard even with all the right elements in place. But you know what? Living life too heavy is VERY hard. Doing Lifestyle 180 and losing this weight won’t be as hard as going to bed and waking every day in regret. And it sure as heck won’t be as hard as living sick, fat and completely out of gas.

Although it might feel like it, you haven’t tried every program. You haven’t worked with me. My system is better and different than any other and it has a different ending than all the others. Check out some of my other successful graduates right on this page. Like them, you can achieve the body, the health and the life you desire. You won’t achieve it doing the same thing you’ve been doing, but you WILL achieve it with me, my team approach and the step-by-step education system you get as a student in Lifestyle 180.

If you’re ready to proudly attend all of the graduations and weddings of children and grandchildren, to once again feel comfortable in and out of your clothes, to enjoy the second half of your life, off medications, and without worrying so much about health conditions, to be a more positive influence on family and friends and to have the energy and enthusiasm to live life to the fullest, then you need to say yes to yourself, know you deserve this for yourself and also rest easy knowing Lifestyle 180 is 100% guaranteed and you are working with the very best.

Follow the program, do what is asked, and if you complete the course and you’re not thrilled with your results let me know and I’ll refund you with no strings attached. It’s that simple.

We’re all wired pretty much the same in that we’re not going to share something with a loved one unless we really like it and believe in it. The last thing any of us wants to do is steer our loved ones the wrong way.

Over the 17 years I’ve been conducting my classes something I’ve notice over and over is Lifestyle 180 is something my students are proud of. They tell their doctor about it, their friends, and most impressively for me, they tell their most beloved family.

Lifestyle 180 is the program you recommend to the ones you love.

“Googs”, a busy CPA, did Lifestyle 180 first and lost over 100lbs. Still a work in progress he recommended it to Mom.

It became quite clear where Googs got his tenacity from. Mom (Judith), an RN, graduated the 18-week course and lost 52 pounds.

Both Googs and Judith got their tuition reimbursed for being top students in their class. Not only did they succeed but they got to lose the weight for FREE.

Check out Ken and his Sister Tammy too. Ken, a chemistry teacher, did the program first, losing over 50 pounds. Tammy saw her Brother’s results and joined the next semester. As Tammy, a Registered Nurse, says, “The hardest part was admitting to my Brother he was right!”

Carol, a Doctor of Physical Therapy first did the program and then her Sister Jan, an Occupational Therapist, followed suit. Can barely tell they’re sisters right? Wow!

Daniel, an engineer, first did the program and lost over 50 pounds. Two semesters later, Wife Connie, a piano teacher, enrolled, lost all the weight she wanted and graduated. Now, together, they live a healthy, lean lifestyle.

If you feel scared to book an interview with me to review your goals and commitment that’s actually a good sign.

It may be excitement that feels like fear or it might be genuine fear. But whatever it is it means you’ve realized you’ve found not just something different and new, but something that really can be the solution to your weight fighting problem, once and for all.

What I’ll tell you now is if you’ll listen to me, if you will honor yourself with this gift to you, you absolutely, positively, will be successful like hundreds of other weight fighters just like you have been.

Your success is my personal mission. I will do everything in my power to make sure you win and meet your weight loss goals.

– Real Coaches providing accountability, support and motivation
– Lose up to 10-percent of your today weight in the first six weeks
– Privacy and anonymity-no in-person meetings to attend
– Guaranteed results-graduate Lifestyle180 and if you haven’t lost at least 10% of your present weight (assuming you have that much to lose) and you aren’t leaner, healthier and more confident about keeping the weight off forever I’ll give you your money back.
– Nutrition coaching: Learn how and why to eat right and to consistently make the right choices
– Six weeks of sample meal plans and grocery lists
– Individualized nutrition plan
– Experienced Coaches supporting you who lost their weight with this program in the past
– Daily accountability, motivation and personal support to keep you going strong and consistent
– Goal setting for short, medium and long-range success
– New friendships that may last a lifetime
– Support and encouragement with a private Facebook group and more
– Organized system for recording, tracking and reporting what matters most
– Personalized strength and cardio program for optimal calorie burn, strength and mental sharpness

So now the only thing left to do then is decide if you’re ready to lose the weight one more time for the last time. If you’re ready to say yes to yourself, ready to live without regret and satisfy the piece of you that will never accept less than you know you can achieve, then click the link below to book and interview. Only 10 spots are open for each new class and we don’t accept every student who applies.

Serving you to turn your body and your life around,

David Greenwalt B.Sc. – Founder
Leanness Lifestyle University
Certified Wellness Coach (ACSM – Wellcoach)

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Lifestyle 180 - Leanness Lifestyle University is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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